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Dzięki tej książeczce Twoje dziecko:
- dowie się, dlaczego należy sadzić nowe drzewa,
- pozna skutki braku drzew,
- pozna etapy sadzenia drzewka,
- dowie się, w jaki sposób możemy dbać o drzewa.
Fenek strolls around the orchard with his grandfather, who shows him the apple tree that his mum has planted there. Fenek is very eager to plant his own little tree… What is it? Read the tale, and learn for yourself!
Thanks to this book, your child will:
- learn why it is necessary to plant new trees;
- get to know the consequences of there being a lack of trees around;
- get to know the various stages of planting a tree;
- learn how we need to look after trees.
The Adventures of Fenek – Books for younger children
Thematic series that respond to the needs of pre-school and kindergarten teachers, parents, and psychologists. 20-page brochures are published in series of four books each, and they are all thematically related.

Joanna Mieszkowicz
Joanna Mieszkowicz – założycielka i prezeska Fundacji Aeris Futuro, kreuje pomysły na eko-innowacyjne rozwiązania. Twórczyni pierwszego w Polsce Kalkulatora CO2. Autorka metody 4xO – Odkryj, Oszacuj, Ogranicz, Oddziałuj, która ma przybliżyć praktyczny wymiar
17 marca 2021