Listen to the sample.
Dzięki tej książeczce Twoje dziecko:
- zrozumie, co oznacza słowo „kochać”;
- dowie się jak inaczej może określać różne pozytywne uczucia;
- pozna różnicę pomiędzy miłością i przyjaźnią.
Fenek’s family are going on a bike trip together. Fenek is on cloud nine, because he really likes his bike, and he is keen on trips and spending time with his relatives. What he can’t do yet, though, is use proper words to talk about his emotions. What about you? Can you?
Thanks to this book, your child will:
- understand what it means “to love”;
- learn about some other words and expressions to refer to positive emotions;
- understand the difference between love and friendship.
The Adventures of Fenek – Books for younger children
Thematic series that respond to the needs of pre-school and kindergarten teachers, parents, and psychologists. 20-page brochures are published in series of four books each, and they are all thematically related.

Karolina Gelak-Lipska – Ekspert w książce Przygody Fenka. Miłość.
Karolina Gelak-Lipska Karolina Gelak-Lipska – psycholożka, terapeutka i mediatorka. Od ponad 10 lat związana z oświatą, prowadzi szkolenia dla rodziców i nauczycieli w całej Polsce. W ramach prywatnego gabinetu w Siedlcach („Psychopracownia”) od